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Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year on behalf of all of our Pack leadership and Chartered Organization, VFW Post 5917.

With the challenges of 2019 behind us moving forward and ahead into 2020, we eagerly look forward to the coming year with Pack 134.

In 2019;

  • We raised over $9,000 for children’s cancer research with St. Baldricks
  • Served as members of the Color Guard (23 participants) assisting in the Pledge of Allegiance at the Bolingbrook Memorial Day Ceremony
  • Members of Pack 134 participated in a Flag Burning Ceremony helping to properly retire old and worn flags
  • Collected over 2,000 Lbs of food in the “Scouting for Food” program
  • Collected over 2,000 pop tops for the Ronald McDonald House
  • Served at the Bolingbrook Veterans Day Ceremony
  • 25 participants packed 25,056 meals for those in need with Feed My Starving Children
  • Pack 134 provided a Christmas morning with presents for a family of 7 when they would otherwise not have anything to open and share.

Pack 134 has been providing a strong and consistent program for more than 35 years with our start back in 1983. Thank you to all of the volunteers, families, and scouts of the past who set the precedent and example for us all to follow.

There are many concerns, discussion, and opinions about what scouting has become and where it is going. Scouting has never been the establishments making but has been the creation of those participating in it. Scouting is what you make of it and what you put into it. Our Pack has been an example of this for many years and continues to encourage the development of the Pack, it’s program, and its membership through your input, feedback, and participation.

After the above list of what we accomplished as a Pack in 2019, you can’t say that our presence doesn’t matter in our community.

I wish you all the best for 2020 and look forward o working with all of you to make this the best year ever for our Pack, it’s families, and our community. Thank you to all who make it possible!

Please see the following link for a message from Rainbow Council’s CEO, Ted Karns.

Yours in scouting,

Charlie Krueger | Pack 134 Committee Chair

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