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Pack 134 Pushes Ahead in Spite of COVID-19

No Pandemic will keep this Pack down.

Since our last inside Pack Night in March 2020, Pack 134 has been persistent about providing program and opportunity for regular engagement as a Pack. Through different activities virtually as well as in person and outside, Pack 134 continues to provide a scouting experience as fully as possible with the limitations being put on us by the State and BSA National and Rainbow Council. Rainbow Council as well as our Chartered Organization have been very supportive of our actions through carefully considered plans and execution minimizing the risk and liability on all through temperature taking, attendance tracking, personal sanitizing and hygiene, sanitizing of stations, and social distancing.

I am please to report a successful Summer so far with customized home visits to facilitate rank graduation thanks to our committed committee and Cubmaster. Each scout received a special touch-less and social distanced home visit coordinated with parents presence and availability. On top of the special accommodations to make the graduation special, we continue to meet outside which has included our Popcorn kick-off Pack Night in July and then our Pack Olympics in August.

Our leadership is committed to ensuring that no matter what, there is always a scouting experience to be had and we will continue to keep all of our scouts and scouting families engaged.

Whats coming up?…

We are currently taking new scout registrations to join our Pack and have already had several new scouts join us attracted by the continued engagement and program we offer our scouts.

In September we have our special show and tell Pack Night scheduled where we will have special guests provide an awesome demonstration of science to intrigue our scouts and families. Also in September is our annual Council Family Camp which our Committee Chair, Charlie Krueger, happens to be the camp director for.

October will bring us to our annual Raingutter Regatta boat race event where we will race our home made regatta boats in a setting which is made safe and sanitary for all participants. Additionally, in October, we will have a Fall Festival celebrating the changing of seasons and symbolizing the changes our seasons in our lives moving to the next chapter of our journey.

Through it all we continue to focus on the core values we share as scouts enabling us all to be better, more compassionate, and productive people in this world founded with strength of self reliance and responsibility.

If you know of someone interested in belonging to a community that has fun no matter what and who has a strong foundation of core values, please tell them to come join us. We are here and always welcome all.

Join Today!

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