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Category: COVID

COVID-19 Update August 2021 – Delta Variant

Scouters and Scouts: Wear a mask at all indoor scouting activities and meetings.

IDPH guidelines here:…/illinois-fully-aligns-new-cdc

This applies even if you are vaccinated.

Also you may continue to do temperature checks should your unit choose to.

Remember if you or someone in your unit that was at a scouting event or activity tests positive for COVID after the meeting, your unit should halt all in person activities and meetings for 14 days. If you are awaiting test results, you should not attend any scouting events until your results come back and you do not test positive for COVID.

– Rainbow Council

With this messaging from our Council, Pack 134 will continue to monitor the situation and inform our membership as things continue to develop.
We encourage you to continue to use common sense and provide appropriate direction to your family within your family.

— Pack 134 Leadership

Rainbow Council COVID-19 and Phase 5 Update

Scouts and Scouters, We did it! Welcome to Phase 5 in Illinois.              All activities and meetings can resume at full capacity and with normal operations. If you wish, you can continue to log temperatures and a cleaning log with attendance but it is no longer required. All scouts and scouters should self-monitor. Here is the link to the BSA pre-screening self-assessment form. 
For tent camping, unvaccinated persons should still occupy single occupancy tents or they may share a tent with family members. For camp cooking, good sanitation measures should still be practiced and all unvaccinated persons should wear a mask in the food line. Remember to socially distance while eating if unvaccinated. As always, follow the additional IDPH guidelines as well, until those are lifted. The following are the directives from the Illinois Department of Public Health:
For activities and meetings where everyone present is fully vaccinated, the state does not require face coverings and social distancing in both indoor and outdoor settings. Businesses and municipalities are permitted to continue requiring face coverings and social distancing as they deem appropriate. For indoor activities and meetings where everyone present is not fully vaccinated, unvaccinated persons should wear a face covering and maintain six feet social distance.  Chartering Organizations may continue to require face coverings and/or social distancing. At outdoor activities and meetings, unvaccinated persons may choose not to wear a face covering when able to maintain a six-foot social distance while outdoors, unless required to do so by a Chartering Organization or venue. Although people who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear a face covering under state guidance, all Scouters should be supportive to those participants who choose to wear a face covering. Persons who are immunocompromised should consider wearing face coverings when in settings where others may not be fully vaccinated. All unvaccinated persons should wear face coverings in crowded settings, both indoors and outdoors, especially when youth are present. See CDC guidance for further information. There are limited circumstances and settings where all individuals, including those who are fully vaccinated, must continue to wear a mask in accordance with CDC guidance: (1) on public transportation, (2) in congregate facilities, (3) in health care settings, and (4) where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. All activities and participants should support social distancing to the extent possible, especially in indoor settings.  This guidance will be updated as the CDC releases new recommendations and is meant to supplement any federal or local guidance, safety laws, rules, regulations or business safety policies that may expressly require a face covering and/or social distancing. Continue to consult the CDC and IDPH websites for updated resources, guidelines, and rules related to COVID-19 safety. 
Diane Kloepfer Council Commissioner 

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