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Our Pack Needs Your Help To Survive!!!

It is with a heavy heart that we are saying goodbye to Tom and Lori Foster. Their youngest son Ryan is graduating this coming February from Cub Scouts.

Through the many years that Tom and Lori have been there to support their boys through Cub Scouting and continue to do so through Boy Scouts, they have also been consistently generous with their time and talent to keep the Pack going and specifically GROWING.

Tom has acted as our Membership Chair for the last several years helping to make sure we have always had strong recruiting plans and efforts as well as keeping things straight on the business end with Council on the Pack’s behalf.

Losing Tom and Lori will be felt through our efforts and program.

The GOOD NEWS!join-membership

We have many very talented and generous parents, grandparents, and friends of scouting.


We need to firm up a new Membership Chair person ASAP.

In order to continue with a strong Pack as we have had for several years, we need to continue to receive support and specifically service from YOU.

We are in need of One or One primary and one assistant Membership Chair.

Roles and Responsibilities:
– New Member contact
– Lead Recruting Efforts (Spring, Fall)
– Recharter November/December
– Maintain Pack Roster on spreadsheet (in Google Drive) and Scoutbook (Online Tracking)

If you have the passion to support your kids and believe that scouting is a fantastic program and opportunity for your scout, we encourage and plead with you and other friends of scouting you may know to consider taking on this role.

This position must be filled by February 20th, 2017 otherwise we risk a significant decline in the strength of our scouting program.

The strength, integrity, consistency, and growth of this scouting unit relies on you to help make it the best possible unit we can for our sons.

If you would like to discuss this further or recommend we talk to someone you know that is interested, please contact us.

Charlie Krueger – [email protected]
Tom Courtney – [email protected]
Erica Whittington – [email protected]

Pack 134 Campfire

The Furious Knights invite you to the 2nd Annual

Pack 134 Campfire

With Boy Scout Troop 75


We are in need of:

 Songs

 Skits

 Books!! (We will be having a book drive with this

event– bring any and all used books you would like

to donate-kids’ books or adult)

 Great attitude– let’s be on our best behavior

 Starving Belly– Troop 75 will be providing hot dogs

before the campfire begins.

Date: Friday, October 21

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Place: 1st Presbyterian Church of DuPage

(across from Meijer on Weber Rd.)

Bring: Flashlight, blanket, or camp chairs

Den Leaders, Please RSVP to [email protected] with a song or skit that your

den will do and how many in your den will attend.


Raingutter Regatta 2016

RaingutterRegattaLogoWhen: Friday, October 14, 2016

Where: Jamie McGee Elementary School 179 N Commonwealth Ave., Bolingbrook, IL

Time: 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

  • Races begin at 6:05 PM sharp
  • Registration and boat inspection for Webelos II begins at 5:30 PM.


Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos I and Webelos II registration and race time follows:

1. Webelos II: 5:30 – 6:00 PM           Race time: 6:05 PM
2. Tigers: 6:00 – 6:20 PM          Race time: 6:25 PM
3. Wolves: 6:20 – 6:50 PM    Race time: 6:55 PM
4. Bears: 6:50 – 7:30 PM   Race time: 7:35 PM
5. Webelos I: 7:30 – 8:00 PM            Race time: 8:05 PM

*Note: Race times are a best guess, they won’t start any earlier, but may start later than planned.

Awards: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards will be given by speed per rank. There will be “Best Design” by rank awards as well. Awards will be given at the November pack meeting

For Rules, regulations, and guidelines, go to our Raingutter Regatta Rules Page for more information.

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