Pack 134 held their annual celebration of Scouting on February 20, 2016 and the event was a huge success. Traditionally, Blue and Gold Celebrations are held to mark the anniversary of Scouting in the United States, and to recognize advancement of Scouts in the program.
Our celebration had a number of highlights this year. Most significantly, 16 Webelos Scouts were awarded the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is the highest rank that a Cub Scout can earn. Rank recognition did not stop there. Scouts from 7 other Dens were also recognized for completing rank requirements at the Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos levels. A ceremony within a ceremony was presented by the Waupecan Lodge, Order of the Arrow Performance Team to highlight the path that

Pack 134’s graduating Scouts had taken before they crossed the Cub Scout Bridge for the last time. Members of Bolingbrook Boy Scout Troops 75 and 131 were on hand to welcome their newest members.

Bolingbrook Mayor, Roger Claar and members of the Village Board of Trustees were honored guests and reaffirmed the Village of Bolingbrook’s strong commitment to Scouting Programs before dinner was served. After a wonderful meal and cake, our ceremonies concluded with the Pack 134 annual cake auction.

This year, we had a great turnout to support our Scouts as they marked individual milestones along the Scouting trail. Our Blue and Gold Celebration was a wonderfully good time. A special thank you to all the leaders and parent volunteers that helped with the planning, and execution of the event this year.
Tags: blue and gold, cake auction, ceremony

Length, Width and Clearance:
- The maximum overall width (including wheels and axles) shall not exceed 2¾ inches (6.9 cm).
- The minimum width between the wheels shall be 1¾ inches (4.4 cm) so the car will clear the center guide strip on the track.
- The minimum clearance between the bottom of the car and the track surface shall be 0.375 inches (0.9 cm) so the car will clear the center guide strip on the track.
- The maximum overall length shall not exceed 7 inches (17.8 cm) including wheels.
Weight and Appearance:
- Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces (141.9 g). The reading of the official scale will be considered final. The car may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only, provided the material is securely built into the body or firmly affixed to it. No liquids or loose materials of any kind are permitted in or on the car.
- Details such as steering wheel, driver, spoiler, decals, painting and interior details are permissible as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width or weight specifications.
- Cars with wet paint will not be accepted.
Wheels and Axles:
- Wheels may be lightly sanded to smooth out molding imperfections on the tread area. This light sanding is the only modification allowed. Thin sanding, or wafering the wheels is prohibited.
- Axles may not be altered in any way except for polishing.
- Wheel bearings, washers, bushings, and hub caps are prohibited.
- The car shall not ride on any type of springs.
- The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting device or other type of propulsion.
- Only graphite or powdered Teflon “white lube” will be allowed for lubricating the wheels.
- Lubrication will not be allowed after the car has been weighed in or during the race.
Ground Rules and Competition:
- Each scout may enter only one car in the competition.
- Use only the Official Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby car kit that is provided by the Pack.
- The car must have been built during the current year (the school year in which the Derby is held). Cars that have competed in a previous year are not permitted.
- If a car jumps the track, the race will be run again. If the same car jumps the track a second time, and does not interfere with its neighboring car, the race will count. If the car interferers with its neighboring car, at the discretion of the Race Marshal, the car will be eliminated from that heat (and given a “did not finish” [DNF] time) and the race will be run again.
- If a car becomes damaged and can be repaired in a reasonable amount of time (a few minutes), the race will be run again. If not, the damaged car will be eliminated from that heat and given a DNF time.
- All rulings by the Race Marshal are final.
Inspection and Registration:
- During check-in, each car must pass a technical inspection before it may compete.
- If a car does not pass inspection (too long, too heavy or the like), the owner will have an opportunity to bring the car into compliance. If the car cannot be brought into compliance before race time the car will be permitted to race but will not be eligible to participate for prizes.
- No car may be altered in any way after it has been registered (this includes lubrication). Damage repair shall be allowed during the Derby at the discretion of the Race Marshal, but no modifications shall be allowed.
- After passing inspection, no car shall be re-inspected unless repaired after damage in handling or in a race.
- Except for damage repair, Scouts will not touch their car after check-in and inspection until the Derby is over.
Tags: Pinewood Derby
Pack 134 shows their respect for our Veterans.

Tigers Scouts Support Veterans

Wolf Scouts Support Veterans
On Wedensday November 11, 2015, Pack 134 assisted in the annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Eternal Flame in Bolingbrook. Working along side our Chartered Organization, VFW Post 5917, our scouts assisted by leading the audience and officiators in the pledge of allegiance.
Thank you Rebecca Moore for organizing this and giving our Pack the opportunity to serve our community.