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Tag: blue and gold

2017 Pack 134 Blue and Gold Ceremony

When: February 25, 2017 2:30 pm

Where: Bolingbrook High School, 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440

2:30 Registration

3:00 Presentation of Colors and introduction of Honored Guests.

Rank Recognition (Webelos 1, Bears, Wolves, Tigers)

Order of the Arrow Performance Team

Webelos II Cross over

4:30 Dinner

5:00 Cake Cutting and Cake Auction

Dinner will be provided at $8 per person (scouts are free as our guest) by Tailgaters Catering. We will be having Chicken and Mostaccioli, House Salad, Kernel Corn, Dinner Rolls.

RSVPs are due by 2/10/17. To see the full flyer and RSVP, please click here: BlueGoldInvite2017

If you have Cake Auction questions, please contact Paula Krueger at [email protected]




Blue and Gold Celebration, it’s a party and a ceremony all rolled into one!


Arrow of Light Awards

Pack 134 held their annual celebration of Scouting on February 20, 2016 and the event was a huge success. Traditionally, Blue and Gold Celebrations are held to mark the anniversary of Scouting in the United States, and to recognize advancement of Scouts in the program.

Our celebration had a number of highlights this year. Most significantly, 16 Webelos Scouts were awarded the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is the highest rank that a Cub Scout can earn. Rank recognition did not stop there. Scouts from 7 other Dens were also recognized for completing rank requirements at the Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos levels. A ceremony within a ceremony was presented by the Waupecan Lodge, Order of the Arrow Performance Team to highlight the path that

Webelos II

Pack 134’s graduating Scouts had taken before they crossed the Cub Scout Bridge for the last time. Members of Bolingbrook Boy Scout Troops 75 and 131 were on hand to welcome their newest members.


Mayor Claar

Bolingbrook Mayor, Roger Claar and members of the Village Board of Trustees were honored guests and reaffirmed the Village of Bolingbrook’s strong commitment to Scouting Programs before dinner was served. After a wonderful meal and cake, our ceremonies concluded with the Pack 134 annual cake auction.

Cake Auction

This year, we had a great turnout to support our Scouts as they marked individual milestones along the Scouting trail. Our Blue and Gold Celebration was a wonderfully good time. A special thank you to all the leaders and parent volunteers that helped with the planning, and execution of the event this year.

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