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Letter To The Pack – July 2015

Greetings Pack 134 Families,

whatstheplanRecently, the Leaders of Pack 134 sat down to schedule events and programs for our Scouts for 2015 and 2016. I am happy to say we have an excellent schedule planned for our boys that we hope will be both FUN, and help them achieve parts of their rank advancement. We discussed several ideas and each of the Leadership group agreed to help plan and execute one or more of these events on top of their regular Pack duties.


Be-The-Change-2The Leadership of our Pack graciously volunteers their time to help guide our Scouts, and for that we are grateful. Please keep in mind, though, that they are volunteers and have many other obligations outside of Cub Scouting. For your son to get the most of our Cub Scouting program, he will also need to depend on you, both to help him, and to help the Cub Scout program of which he is a part. We expect every parent to help the Pack in some capacity. With that said, there are several other Pack events that we would like to reach out to you as parents for your help on.

Over the course of the next few Pack meetings, we will be asking for some help with various aspects of the events we have scheduled as well as looking for parents that are willing to help with some of the day to day operations for our Pack. Most of these opportunities will only require a few hours of your time, although a few will require more. We will be able to detail all of the areas where we need assistance at Pack meetings. There is no doubt that we have something that will fit your talents and schedule. I sincerely hope we can count on your support. Cub Scouting is a family program and by doing your part, you are helping not just your son, but all of our Scouts.give-header


bsalogoYours in Scouting,

Tom Courtney

Assistant Cubmaster

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