Campfires Are Nice In The Fall
Pack 134 November 2015 Campfire with Troop 75
The weather couldn’t have been any better as the Scouts and families of Pack 134 gathered for a campfire program on Tuesday, November 10th. Scouts from all ranks, from our youngest Tigers to our oldest Webelos gathered to entertain each other and share in the friendship that a campfire provides. There was a great turnout, and those attending were greeted with a host of songs, skits and a few laughs. We partnered with Boy Scout Troop 75 for this event. In the spirit of Scouting, they provided us a place to hold the event, built and managed the campfire, and even served hot chocolate after the event.
I would like to thank everyone who was able to participate and share in the friendship and fellowship of our campfire. I’m truly impressed with how many of our Scouts and families were able to join us, and hope you all had just as much fun as I did.
–Tom Courtney